THALAZ CIGAR is a taro-based cigar that the maker
declared the best natural healthy cigarette after many other taro leaf
cigarettes were circulated. Because the nutrients in taro leaves vary, the
benefits of taro leaves for health are very diverse. In taro leaves, it turns
out that there is a small amount of nicotine naturally content.
In taro leaves there are many important nutrients, so the benefits of
taro leaves for health are very diverse. The following are the nutrients in 100
grams of taro leaves:
1,3 gram protein
1.6 grams of fiber
519 mg potassium
119 mg calcium
41 mg phosphorus
0,1 mg nikotin
7 mg vitamin C
2 mg niacin
4 mcg Beta Carroten
1.5 mg iron
Benefits of Taro Leaves for Health
There are many benefits of taro leaves for health, namely:
1. Increases body-resistant dayat
Taro leaves contain protein and vitamin C which are good for increasing the body's immunity. Proteins are formed from amino acid compounds that the body uses to
make immune cells.
Meanwhile, the role of vitamin C for the body's immunity is to increase
the number of white blood cells so that it can protect the body from various
kinds of infections. Vitamin C is also able to improve the performance of white blood cells in protecting the body from infection.
2. Overcoming and preventing constipation
Taro leaves are a source of high-fiber food,
so their consumption can overcome and prevent constipation or constipation. The
reason is, sufficient fiber intake can soften the
stool so that it is easier to excrete. In addition to being contained in taro
leaves, fiber can also be found in various types of
foods, such as chickpeas, edamame, peas, chia seeds, okra, carrots, avocados,
and pears.
3. Improves eye health
Consumption of foods that contain beta carotene, such as taro leaves can
improve eye health. This is because the body will convert beta carotene into vitamin A
which is an essential nutrient for healthy eyes.
ith the fulfillment of vitamin A needs, the risk of natural dry eyes will
be reduced. In fact, the risk of developing macular degeneration in old age can
also be minimized.
4. Maintains healthy skin
Taro leaves contain an amino acid called threonine which is needed to
produce elastin and collagen. This
certainly makes the consumption of taro leaves beneficial for skin health. With
an abundance of elastin, the skin becomes more elastic and
Likewise with collagen.
This compound is also needed to maintain the elasticity or elasticity of the
skin which can decrease with age. Decreased skin elasticity can make the skin
appear wrinkled.
5. Lose weight
For those of you who are on a diet, the consumption of taro leaves can
lose or maintain weight. The benefits of taro leaves can be obtained because
taro leaves contain low calories, so they are good for use as a diet menu.
The fiber and water in taro leaves are also
high enough so that they can provide a feeling of fullness for longer. As a
result, the desire to eat excessively can be minimized.
6. Minimizing the risk of developing osteoporosis
Taro leaves contain calcium, potassium, and phosphorus so that their
consumption can improve bone health, even minimizing the risk of osteoporosis.
This is because calcium and phosphorus are needed to build and keep
bones strong. Meanwhile, potassium is needed to minimize the waste of calcium through urine when
7. Improves heart health
Although further research is needed, studies show that consumption of
dark green leaves, such as taro leaves, can reduce the risk of heart disease by 16%.
However, the benefits of taro leaves will be more optimal if you balance them
with the consumption of vegetables and fruits and exercise regularly.
Taro leaves can also improve heart health because they contain quite high nitrate content . Nitrates are needed to control blood
pressure and improve heart function.
In addition to minimizing the risk of developing heart disease, the
consumption of taro leaves is also believed to reduce the risk of developing
other diseases, such as cancer. However, studies that state these properties
are still being developed to see how far the compounds in taro leaves play an
active role as an anticancer.
Therefore, at this time THALAZ CIGAR can be used as a replacement
cigarette or can also be called the best herbal cigar. In addition to offering
a great taste but also very low nicotine levels.